Monday, February 26, 2007

lost sleep...

A little after 4am that big blue square appeared on this map and is the cause of my being awake ever since. My body reacts to earthquakes by shooting adrenaline into my heart. So much that my heart begins pumping so hard and fast that I can't tell whether the ground is still shaking or it's just myself doing the shaking. After all types of shaking subside I lay in bed thinking about the massive movement and energy the earth just released and thus my brain is on, awake, and not willing to go back to dream land when such excitement is to be had.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My first dead whale!

Yep, when they look dead they smell dead too.

This is a very decomposing Fin Whale off the Mendocino Coast.

Seems a fitting picture for a friends website

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rooms With Views...

Just returned from a wonderfully restful weekend in Mendocino. Stayed in an amazing house with views from every window. It had relaxation written all over it.

Well, relaxation minus the crazy winds that didn't cease until Monday morning. I decided to go for a walk along the headlands one afternoon and was close to being blown off the headlands. At one point I had stumbled in front of a group of people sitting in their cars (smart people) and offered a great spectacle. The gusts were so strong that I couldn't stand in one place and when I'd pick up one foot I would end up kicking my self in the other leg.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Bro

33! That's four years for you to prepare to be "a jerk" to me and 29 to follow through. It also means I've had 29 years to be the bratty li'l sis.

Even though you're in Thailand I know I can always count on you to make me feel younger. Thanks bro.

Hope you have a grand day, eat lots of food, win online scrabble, and don't make any babies cry.

P.S. These redwoods are awaiting your return to remove the spell that you've put upon them.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Almost Annual Valentine Making Party...

It was Valentine card making central at my place last night. Yep, it's true I enjoy being crafty and Valentine's Day happens to be a favorite holiday. What better thing to celebrate than love?

I enjoy a good potluck, but Valentine's making parties are the best. Tables of randomly collected crafty items, finger foods galore, and wine flowing to help inspire the creativity.

Of course when it comes down to it there's usually more talking, drinking, and eating than actually card making. So don't feel offended if you don't receive one. :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

i am a rubber ball...

i am a rubber ball
aiming for the sky
so if i give the ground my all
no need to wonder why

i am a rubber ball
you buy them for a dime
all i know is the harder i hit
the bottom the higher i fly

no need to be too good to be true
if i'm falling let me fall
let me do as i do
i'm a rubber ball

These fun lyrics that follow a wonderfully bouncy song seem to speak to me right now. I'm currently flying high and it's feeling good.

Oh, the band? Thamusemeant
The linked site above will not offer listening capabilities of this song, but if you go to itunes you can hear a portion of it. I've seen them perform several times, have a few of their albums and they only seem to get better.