Saturday, July 07, 2007


Thimbleberry and native blackberry pickins from just up the street of my place. I think the rest of the neighbors think these red berries are poisonous or somethin cause they look at me like I'm crazy every time they see me munchin on em.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    yum! a mouthwatering pic that brings back lots of memories.

  2. I remember yelping for dad to pull over when I saw the bright berries along the side of the road on summer trips to the coast.

  3. I remember you being too short to get the tastiest ripest ones and then having to share them with you. Little sisters are lousy! Oh yeah, you look like a dork doing Tai Chi with dogs... but the pants look cool.

  4. Maybe they look at the crazy public yoga doing, plastic shoe wearing, weed pulling hippy because she's stealing their fruit. THIEF!!!
