Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hurray for coffee and bike helmets!

I owe the discovery of this comic strip to Duaneo. Saying I like coffee would be an understatement. I LOVE COFFEE! Albeit, I'm not one of those who awakes droopy eyed and unable to function without a cup or two. No, I often arise from a nights rest and make freshly ground coffee just for the wafts of aroma it creates. I might wait an hour or two before I take my first sip. My love of coffee is not for the extra boost of energy (sure, I need it from time to time) but more so for the enjoyment of enjoying a good cup of dark coffee. The smells, the aromas, the conversations to be had with others enjoying the same brown concoction.

Bicycle aftermath update - My bruises are beginning to fade into green. My rib cage is increasingly sore; it's having a delayed reaction. I now have about 85% use of my shoulder and right arm. Zed, the bike surgeon stopped by to discover my bicycle tire had done a complete 360, thus wrapping wires in ways they weren't meant to wrap but was able to mend the bike with only minor scars. Thanks Zed! And remember kids, always wear your helmet.

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